After the beautiful assembly the Easter bells, rung by Class 6 held the students as they exited. Class 1,2,3 and 4 then heard a story from Brendon and 5, 6 and 7 listened to Krzysztof's Easter tale.
Then back to their classrooms for hot cross buns and blackcurrant juice.
Class 2 have a Easter table set up in the middle of their class room. In the distance they receive their buns.
Class 3 students treated their teacher and classmates to a well rehearsed version of "In the Jungle" before their Easter feast began.
Class 4 students held a mood of reverence as their class teacher readied them for buns and juice.
Class 5's table was beautifully decorated (as were the eggs and baskets).
Class 6 students line up for seconds around their table dressed with Easter egg trees.
Class 7 have yet to enter the their room and see their table of hot cross buns and other treats.